Hi, my name is Julius Kramer

I am Sweden’s candidate for the World Scout Committee 2024 – 2027. With your support, I want to contribute to a strategic board, steering a more united and ambitious Movement with trust, curiosity and courage.

Who is Julius?

Julius is a scout leader, experienced peacebuilder and skilled strategist. Through various leading roles in Scouting and his career in peace diplomacy, Julius’ leadership approach is characterised by curiosity, trust and action. Read about his numerous experiences from shaping strategies, processes and spaces for meaningful conversation, collaboration and learning.

Who is Julius

Julius is a skilled relationship-builder, with experience ranging from the UN, governments and community leaders, in various conflict and crisis settings. Here, on a UN mission in Somalia.

Julius served on WOSM’s crisis leadership team at the World Scout Jamboree in Korea, working with the host, Jamboree Management Team, and goverment counterparts. Among other things, Julius coordinated the campsite evacuation. Here, debriefing the evacuation with colleagues

Julius in conversation with one of World Scouting’s most loyal supporters – His Majesty King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden – both of whom are active Baden Powell Fellows.

As a conflict resolution and peacebuilding specialist, Julius has facilitated large processes, sensitive dialogues and provided advice to diverse actors in various contexts. Here in Baghdad, Iraq during a high-level event

Julius is a recognized international expert at youth participation in peace and security (the Youth, Peace and Security Agenda), and has driven key global initiatives, publications and strategies on the topic, including within the UN Peacebuilding Commission, with governments, and other actors.

Between 2016 and 2018, Julius worked for the Swedish government’s special committee for the 2030 Agenda, as part of the core team developing Sweden’s national action plan for the Sustainable Development Goals. Here at UN Headquarters in New York during high-level negotiations.

Julius’ journey through international Scouting began in the Great Lakes Region of Africa, where he supported the regional peacebuilding partnership Amahoro Amani for over seven years. Here with friends in Bujumbura, Burundi, during Africa Scout Day 2024.

Julius is driven by curiosity about people and what motivates them. He believes that a culture of curiosity will help build World Scouting’s collective wisdom. Here with colleagues at a peacebuilding conference in Mogadishu, Somalia.

As Sweden’s Deputy National Commissioner for Strategy, Julius drives participatory and innovative ways to chart the long-term direction of Swedish Scouting.

Julius’ rich experience in World Scouting has brought him to all WOSM Regions. He is a firm believer of inter-cultural and inter-generational dialogue.

Julius served on the World Scout Committee between 2017 and 2021, as a Youth Advisor. He contributed to good governance efforts, strengthened support to NSOs, and initiated consequential global partnerships. Here in a meeting with Committee colleagues.

Julius initiated and led WOSM’s efforts to strengthen internal gender mainstreaming, between 2017 and 2021.

Julius wants to strengthen the quality and safety of WOSM Events. Here in dialogue with future World Event hosts during the World Jamboree of 2019.

When serving on the Steering Committee, 2017-2021, Julius played a key role in shaping a more strategic World Scout Committee, and designing more participatory decision-making processes.

Julius co-chaired the European Scout Conference in Rotterdam in 2022.

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