Who is Julius?

Julius is a scout leader, an experienced peacebuilding expert and a skilled strategist. Through leading roles on various levels in the Scout Movement, and a career in peace diplomacy, Julius’ leadership has brought change by bringing people together – with curiosity, trust and courage. Julius believes in the power of a good question, conversations around a campfire, and people uniting to learn from each other around a shared purpose. Learn more about his previous experiences of shaping strategies and spaces for meaningful conversations, joint learning, and collective action.

As a scout

As Deputy National Commissioner for Strategy in Sweden, Julius stimulates conversations about how Scouting should meet - and shape - the future. Julius has led change at various levels, driving institutional transformation, innovating educational methods and shaping consequential global partnerships and policies. All while remaining involved in his local scout group.

Recent international experience (selection):

  • Formed part of WOSM’s crisis leadership at the 25th World Scout Jamboree in Korea, including coordinating the campsite evacuation;
  • Co-chaired the 24th European Scout Conference;
  • Served on the Steering Committee of the World Scout Committee (Youth Adviser), planning central governance processes and navigating WOSM through the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic;
  • Served as World Scouting’s representative at the UN, building WOSM’s early advocacy on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and global Youth, Peace and Security (YPS) Agenda;
  • Member of a World-level project developing WOSM’s approach to peace advocacy.

National level experience (selection):

  • Institutional fundraising consultant for the NSO and active member of the Baden Powell Fellowship;
  • Deputy International Commissioner in charge of strategic partnerships;
  • Member of the National Youth Programme Team, leading innovations to strengthen community impact;
  • Staff member at NSO HQ, managing large projects for outdoor leader training development and inclusion;

Julius’ journey through international Scouting began at the World Scout Jamboree in 2011, where he met peacebuilding Scouts and Guides from the Great Lakes Region in Africa, which sparked a long-term partnership, and Julius’ passion for youth-led change.

Read more about Julius’ motivation

Nothing’s as transformational as a good question.

Julius Kramer

Example of Julius’ impact

  • A strategically focused, effective and innovative World Scout Committee (2017-2021), using his professional experience from inclusion in peace processes to elevate internal methods and approaches;
  • WOSM Services, where Julius played a key role in developing the concept that revolutionised support to National Scout Organisations;
  • WOSM’s organisational approach to gender equality, where Julius initiated and led transformational conversations in the World Scout Committee and beyond;
  • Initiating the partnership between the World Health Organization (WHO) and Big Six youth organisations during Covid-19, through the “Global Youth Mobilization for Generation Disrupted”, which funded projects engaging 600’000 young people, reaching 3,6 million people in 125 countries.

"The elements of a good campfire are key elements of a strong Movement: trust, curiosity and courage. As a Scout Leader, strategist, and peacebuilder, I want to bring our next Strategy to life by fuelling our our various campfires – and deepening Scouting’s impact for sustainable peace."

Julius Kramer

As a professional

Julius is an expert at inclusive peacemaking and governance in conflict, and currently a senior public servant working on dialogue and mediation. Julius collaborates with key actors in conflict contexts to improve ways of working for sustainable peace. He shapes strategies and facilitates complex processes with a variety of diverse stakeholders, including both governments and community leaders. His experience includes roles with the United Nations and Swedish government, in Liberia, Somalia and Iraq.

Julius recently served as the UN Adviser on Youth, Peace and Security for Somalia, becoming the first of its kind in the UN system. Based in Mogadishu, Julius led efforts to advance public participation across the country’s challenging peacebuilding priorities and political transitions.

A renowned leader in his field, Julius has played a key role in shaping global approaches to youth-inclusive peace, security and governance. Julius serves on the Steering Group overseeing the implementation of the Global Strategy for Youth-Inclusive Peace Processes, which guides the UN, regional organisations and other leading actors in the field of conflict resolution. He has contributed to several international publications on youth-inclusive peace and governance.

After the adoption of the 2030 Agenda, Julius worked for the Ministry of Finance and its team of public servants designing Sweden’s implementation plan for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). He has also worked on global drug policy negotiations at the UN General Assembly.

Julius has an educational background in international law and organisational development.

According to others

The impact of Julius’ leadership has been recognised by others, inside and outside of Scouting.

External recognition:

  • His Majesty the King of Sweden’s “Kompassrosen” award for values-based leadership (2018)
  • Recognition by Scandinavia’s largest leadership magazine “Chef” (”Boss”) as one of Sweden’s 16 transformational leaders, under the age of 35 (2023)
  • Recognition as one of Sweden’s 33 Sustainability Talents, by the magazine “Aktuell Hållbarhet” (”Sustainability Currently”) (2018)

Scouting recognition:

  • The Gustav Adolf Award for exceptional service to Swedish Scouting (2021)
  • Ledfyren ”The Lighthouse” Award for listening and supportive leadership in the service of young people (2016)

Recognizing others:

Julius believes in the importance of recognition to show appreciation and spotlight role-models. He currently serves on the Jury of the Raoul Wallenberg Prize, recognizing acts in the spirit of the WWII humanitarian hero. Julius previously served on the Assessment Committee for His Majesty the King’s “Kompassrosen” award.